FAB 4:
The Fourth International Fab Lab Forum
and Symposium on Digital Fabrication

August 19-24, 2007

A science of digital fabrication is emerging, bringing the programmability of the digital world of bits to the physical world of atoms. The Symposium will gather together researchers studying the programmed assembly of functional structures, ranging from nanoscale proteins to microscale microfluidics to macroscale buildings, along with counterparts investigating the global implications and local consequences of the digitization and personalization of fabrication.

It will be held on August 23 at the Univesity of Chicago, and is hosted by partners including The National Science Foundation, The Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, The Museum of Science and Industry, The Fab Foundation, The US Fab Lab Network, the Universities of Illinois and Chicago, and MIT. It will be preceded on the evening of August 22 by a technology and project show at the Museum of Science and Industry, and occurs during the Fab Lab Forum, a week of workshops for field fab lab participants from around the world. This is the fourth in an annual series; presentations from last year's meeting in South Africa are available at http://cba.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/events/06.06.ZA/symposium.html

Sunday August 19

Welcome Reception

Monday August 20

Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry)

7:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-12:00: Morning Meeting

Welcome, Overview
Partner, Participant Introductions
Fab Lab Reports
Project Presentations and Plans

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops

low-cost computing and long-range communications: thinner client and high-gain antennas
remote collaboration: sharing and navigating broadband audio and video
Fab Lab Instruction: How To Make (almost) Anything

4:00-6:00: Fab Foo, Kids Workshop

6:00-8:00: Dinner

8:00-: Evening

Project Work in the Lab

Tuesday August 21

Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry)

7:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-12:00: Morning Review and Workshops

2D cutting: vinyl cutter, lasercutter, router
macrofabrication: furniture and housing
universal CAD/CAM design architecture: .cad/.fab
fab labs operations: safety, responsibility, sustainability

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops

3D machining: PCBs and molds
analytical instrumentation for healthcare and agriculture: electromagnetic and microfluidic measurements
rapid-prototyping for embedded computing: visual design, modular microcode, and distributed systems
local, regional, global: supporting fab lab networks

4:00-6:00: Fab Foo

6:00-8:00: Dinner

8:00- Evening

Project Work in the Lab

Wednesday August 22

Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry)

7:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-12:00: Morning Review and Workshops

molding and casting materials
energy conversion: solar, wind, and inertial power
distributed development and documentation: fab world/siteserver
micro-VC, micro-franchise business models

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops

electronics assembly, microcontroller programming
rapid-prototyping of rapid-prototyping machines: machines that make machines
network architecture: design clients, application servers, virtual machines, and real-time control systems
intellectual property

4:00-6:00: Reception Set-up

6:00-9:00 PM

Digital Fabrication Technology Show
Fab Lab Project Show

7:00 PM

Announcements and Awards

Andrea Ingram (Museum of Science and Industry)
Robert Rosner (Director, Argonne National Laboratory)
Leo Kadanoff (University of Chicago, American Physical Society)
Linda Katehi (Provost, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Michael Foster (National Science Foundation)
Mark Alpert (Scientific American)
4x8 Competition

Thursday August 23

Symposium on Digital Fabrication
(University of Chicago, Kersten Physics Teaching Center)

8:00-9:00: Registration

9:00-9:15: Welcome and Introduction

Don Levy (University of Chicago)
Neil Gershenfeld (MIT)
9:15-10:30: Form and Function

George Church (Harvard)
Fabricating with DNA
Pete Carr (MIT)
Error-Corrected DNA Synthesis
Milan Stojanovic (Columbia)
DNA Computing and Robotics
Millie Firestone (Argonne National Laboratory)
Design and Fabrication of Nanomaterials
Manu Prakash (MIT)
Microfluidic Bubble Logic

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-12:30: Form and Function

George Popescu (MIT)
Digital Materials and Printers
Evan Malone, Jonathan Hiller (Cornell)
Printing Electromechanical Machines
Larry Sass (MIT)
Large-Scale Rapid Prototyping
Berok Khoshnevis (USC)
Solid Free Form Fabrication
Luis Lafuente Molinero (MIT)
Fabricational Capacity

12:30-2:00: Lunch

Gordon Center Atrium

2:00-3:30: Applications and Implications

Smári McCarthy (Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland)
Digital Design Tools
Peter Bosscha (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa)
Thinner Clients
George Sergiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Field Fabrication of Advanced Antennas
Dhananjay Gadre (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, India)
Lighting and Instrumentation
Saul Griffith (Makani Power)
Making Trouble

3:30-4:00: Break

4:00-5:30: Applications and Implications

Anil Gupta (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India)
Grass-Roots Invention
Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory)
Technology for Distributed Collaboration
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Lateral Alignment of Stakeholders in Innovation Networks
Leo Kadanoff (University of Chicago, American Physical Society)
Formal and Informal Science

5:30-7:00: Reception

Gordon Center Atrium

7:00 - I-House

Coulter Lounge
Mobile Fab Lab

Friday August 24

Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry)

7:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-12:00: Morning Meeting

The Fab Lab Ecosystem

Logo: visual identity
The Fab Charter: vision, rights, and responsibilities
The Fab Foundation: invention as aid
The Fab Fund: micro-VC
The Fab Academy: distributed advanced education

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-3:00: Afternoon Workshops

Project Planning Groups

3:00-5:00: Wrap-up

Project Plans
thinner client
fab tools
Event Review